Welcome to the iPonic Cloud
What is the iPonic Cloud?
The iPonic Cloud is where your iPonic controllers are connected for easy, convenient remote management. Link4’s iPonic cloud is a centralized internet database that allows you to monitor and control all your iPonic controllers from a remote device.
Other benefits of the cloud are that you can continuously store and access important data for analysis and reporting so you can go back and investigate that data to analyze your crop’s performance. Through the cloud, your device will send you notifications (emails/text messages) of unusual conditions (e.g. high temperature, low CO2 levels, etc.) providing you comfort when you are away.
Rest assured, the connection and database are completely secured. No unauthorized access will be granted.
Access Specific for Your Needs
Choose one of three levels to receive the proper access and features for your operation. The levels range from read only access up to control capabilities and advanced reporting. More information about the Cloud levels.
All you need is internet access that can be connected to your controller. Once connected you will choose a subscription level, authorize your account, and assign users. It’s that simple.
About iPonic Controllers
The iPonic controller allows you to program all functions together and eliminate the need for multiple controllers. The iPonic does it all: Fuzzy Logic CO2, light timer, temperature, humidity, recycle timers, vent fans, high temperature shut-off, irrigation, central air conditioning, and heating. Versality of the controller allows you to even add your own custom devices, which you can change on the fly – add or delete devices to match the equipment in your grow house in minutes. More information about iPonic controllers.
Getting Started
- If you are migrating from the old cloud or have an existing account, please Log In using your existing credentials. If you're a new user, please Register
- Set up a company profile (video)
- Manage users (video)
- Manage controllers (video)
- Manage access (video)
Get more details on setting up your devices to the cloud.